About the Department


New media notion which has been approached primarily as part of lectures in the context of developing requirements and necessities in the world, in consequence of the academic and sectoral development has been established in the various academic units of the universities as an independent department that mainly consists of communication, design and software. It has been observed that new media departments have been established in our country in a similar process as seen in the world.

The main reason of requirement for new media department is the necessity of applied teaching of the other communication disciplines’ relation with digital media and mutual area of usage. Therefore, the department of the new media is in a relation with public relations, advertising, visual communication design, social informatics and political sciences.

Accordingly, this department has been established for the purpose of training individuals that have voice in the new media channel; and specialized in content production, management, marketing communication. In the process of democratization and citizen participation, the role of the new media shows the requirement of the experts.

Academically, making production related to this field, contributing to the developing literature, raising future academicians, developing new projects in the field of applied sciences are among in the primary targets.

In the departments of the new media, the presentation of the notions and theories to the students with the developments of the digital field, analysing in the context of Turkey and leading up to the production of the academic works that contributes to the literature both in Turkey and in the world are essentials. In this context, while it is being given theoretical knowledge about communication technologies, web design, social media, content management and similar fields that requires digital expertise to the students, at the same time applied education experiences will be provided internship and sectoral collaboration.