Department Chair's Message


What were once strictly delineated fields of engineering are today becoming increasingly intertwined. Each respective field is enriched by such interaction, which in turn gives rise to brand new spheres of science and technology. In this respect, electrical and electronics engineering is one of the fastest growing engineering disciplines. The primary goal of Istanbul Okan University’s Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is to graduate engineers who have a full understanding of all relevant aspects of electrical engineering, electronics, and communication, and who have the fundamental knowledge necessary for them to work in related fields such as robotics, mechatronics, and automotives as well.

The subjects of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Communication can be taken up in two main groups. The first is related to production, transmission, storage, usage, and marketing of electrical energy. The second, which has to do with electronics and comunication, deals with producing, transmitting, processing, storing, and using data.

Electrical energy is conventionally generated from water, coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy using conversion methods; however, it can also be obtained via photovoltaic cells from direct sunlight, wind energy, and hydrogen and oxygen. Today, electrical energy is widely used in factories, homes and offices, lighting, and transportation. Electrical energy is being used in more and more different areas as research and development efforts discover an increasing number of applications for its use. The marketing of electrical energy is another new business area generated by this field.

Developments in microtechnology and nanotechnology make it possible to manufacture electronic circuits under microscopes. The capability and capacity of these circuits were unimaginable even in the recent past. Today’s computers, mobile phones, and other civilian and military electronic devices, which constitute the main elements of the information age, are increasingly equipped with embedded softwares.

A degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering will open up job opportunities not only in the fields of electronics and communication fields but in other engineering fields too, in which knowledge is processed and new ideas are produced.