Dear Guest Lecturer,
Thank you for choosing Istanbul Okan University for your exchange programme.
In order to have an efficient and effective academic exchange, we kindly ask you to send us a detailed teaching programme including the outline of your lecture and the list of the equipment you need for your course. Please, send your teaching programmes before the deadlines shown below:
Autumn Semester: October 21
Spring Semester: March 1
Procedure: As soon as the detailed teaching programme is received from a guest lecturer, it is forwarded to the faculty Erasmus coordinator for consideration. Faculty Erasmus coordinators submit the request to the related department. The final decision is made by the department.
We unfortunately cannot host any teaching staff in September and during the first week of October, for Autumn Semester and in the second half of January and before the third week in February.
Certificates: All teaching staff and staff are issued a certificate of confimation for their exchange programme, which shows the topics taught and exact dates of their exchange period. We do not include weekends on the certificate of confirmation.
Practical Information
PLEASE LET THE ERASMUS OFFICE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE STAYING BEFORE YOU COME! This information is vital for scheduling your course hours!.
We look forward to hosting you at Istanbul Okan University....