Child Development

Child Development

As in every field in our country and in the world, service understanding is adopted with a multidisciplinary approach to children and their families and practices are planned and carried out in this direction. The need for “Child Developmentalist” is of great importance among the professional staff who will be in the multidisciplinary team in terms of the healthy development of the society.

Department of Child Development at Faculty of Healty Sciences, Istanbul Okan University trains future “Child Developmentalist” who can evaluate the mental, language, motor, social and emotional development areas of children between ages of 0-18 who are in normal development, with special needs, in need of protestion, under risky conditions and in hospital. Graduates are able to develop appropriate programs to support children and families and provide quality services to the public and professionals working within the field.

Our Department Program; with its contemporary approach and developmental knowledge level, the child can be a leader in the family and society, renew and develop himself in line with the changing and developing needs of the society, communicate effectively, think critically, creative, productive, researching, responsible, show children the necessary love, respect, interest and care for children. it aims to graduate a qualified “Child Developmentalist” who can show the value, be patient, tolerant, professional competence and sensitivity.

The department curriculum, academic staff, application areas, and technical equipment in our faculty are of the quality and quantity to support the professional development of our students; it continues to be developed in line with the requirements. Our graduates can work as “Child Developmentalist” in the institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior.