Istanbul Okan University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development; In the 2011-2012 academic year, it started education with a Turkish program. Our program was revised in the 2017 - 2018 Academic Year, and the education continued with the current program in the 2018 - 2019 Academic Year.
Department of Child Development trains future “Child Developmentalist” who can evaluate the mental, language, motor, social and emotional development areas of children between ages of 0-18 who are in normal development, with special needs, in need of protestion, under risky conditions and in hospital. Graduates are able to develop appropriate programs to support children and families and provide quality services to the public and professionals working within the field.
Our department's mission; with its contemporary approach and developmental knowledge level, the child can be a leader in the family and society, renew and develop himself in line with the changing and developing needs of the society, communicate effectively, think critically, creative, productive, researching, responsible, show children the necessary love, respect, interest and care for children. it aims to graduate a qualified “Child Developmentalist” who can show the value, be patient, tolerant, professional competence and sensitivity.
Our training; includes theoretical and practical training stages. Theoretical education is carried out face-to-face and interactively in classrooms. Practical training; it is carried out in the Music Movement Play Workshop at the Faculty of Health Sciences, as well as in public hospitals, pre-school education institutions and private education centers that we have contracts with. Our theoretical and applied education is carried out by our proficient, experienced, professional and contemporary-minded faculty members.
Our department organizes activities in cooperation with the “Child Development Community” established by our students, supports our students to be informed on different topics by bringing together our students with experts. In this way, besides academic education support, our students are provided with the opportunity to gain experience in social - cultural environments, to meet and collaborate with professionals from different fields. In addition, within the scope of “Service to Society” and applied courses, our students are supported to be in contact with many institutions, to plan projects, to gain experience and social awareness by making applications. From time to time, the experts are invited to the theoretical lessons and the lessons are enriched.
The necessary support is provided for our students to graduate from Istanbul Okan University, which is the “Closest to Business Life” university, and to be able to safely step into business life as a “Child Developmentalist”.