Clean Water and Hygiene: Contribution of Universities to SDG 6
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global objectives identified by the United Nations, and SDG 6 addresses the goal of "Clean Water and Hygiene." This goal includes sustainable management of water resources, reduction of water pollution, and raising awareness among communities about clean water and hygiene. Universities can contribute to this goal through education, research, innovation, and social responsibility.

1. Education and Awareness:
Universities can educate students about the importance of clean water, sustainable use of water resources, and hygiene practices, fostering informed and responsible individuals. They can provide practical knowledge to students through courses and projects on sustainable water management across various disciplines.
2. Research and Innovation:
Universities can conduct research on the effective use, purification, and sustainable management of water resources. By pioneering innovative technologies, water treatment methods, and water conservation, they can contribute to the sector.
3. Campus Sustainability:
Universities can set an example by effectively managing water usage on their campuses. Through practices like rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, water conservation projects, and natural water purification systems, they can make their campuses sustainable.
4. Community Projects and Collaborations:
Universities can support clean water and hygiene projects by collaborating with local communities. Through social responsibility projects, they can empower communities by organizing awareness campaigns on water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.
5. Research on Water Pollution and Resource Management:
Academic research enables universities to understand water pollution issues and develop solutions. Studies on sustainable water resource management can guide policymakers.
6. International Collaborations:
Universities can find effective solutions to global clean water and hygiene issues by collaborating with other educational institutions, research centers, and NGOs on international platforms.

Universities can play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development goals related to clean water and hygiene. Through education, research, campus sustainability, and social responsibility, they can lead in this area, leaving a healthier and more sustainable world for future generations.

What are we doing?

Click to access our university's SDG 6 report.