Faculties and Career Center Working Together Workplace Supported Education Program (O’COOP COOPerative Learning)
Workplace Supported Education (O’COOP COOPerative Learning) program is predicated on
student’s practical working in a business during his/her undergraduate
O’COOP COOPerative Learning ’s goals;
- Familiarizing students to workplaces related to their undergraduate programs,
- Enabling students to reinforce their information and manners
related to education and experience that they have learnt during their
undergraduate program by practicing,
- By up skilling students to be able to let them use their
theoretical information and use them practically, O’COOP COOPerative Learning makes adaptation
time to business life after graduation shorter,
- As the O’COOP COOPerative Learning program’s education due, enabling students to learn
their responsibilities, relations, organization and producing process,
getting to know new technologies at their workplace; gaining good
communication habits with colleagues and customers.