

With its ‘’the University Closest to Business Life’’ motto, Istanbul Okan University aims to bridge education and business world, prepares students to modern business life with equipping them to global world and business life’s informational and ability needs.

In the direction of this goal, the university enables students to work at firms and gain the values such as social, cultural and professional skills as part of its Business Life Program, starting from their freshman year until their graduations. This program contains professional and personal development courses, symposiums, workshops, major certificate programs, introductory of industry and working area, meeting with professionals, real time practices, social, sportive, cultural activities.

With Workplace Supported Education (CO-OP) program, students are enable to learn business culture, institution collaborations and fit in directly to business life.

Thus, along with their outstanding academic success and equipment, our students get the opportunity to gain information and skills for their self competence even during their education. Our students experience and learn themselves the business life in our school or one of the hundreds of companies that we have agreements with; hereby, our students gains the skill for drawing their personal career path in the industry and/or field they would like to work for, during their education.

Once they complete their undergraduate program, they are not only a university graduate, but also a ‘world citizen’ who is ready to be successful in the global world business life.

Along with planning and practicing the programs for our students’ business life needs, our Career Center, also helps our graduates to find their desired jobs. Moreover, we always keep in touch with our graduates to be able to support them through their career paths and encourage them to pass their experiences and successes to our students. We also help them to find jobs related to their majors and provide them career consultancy.


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