

The Vocational School of Health Services offer a wide range of possibilities for young people willing to take place among qualified workforce in the health sector. The courses and their contents have been formed in line with the demands and the needs of the healthcare sector.

The academic staff is composed of experienced specialists and practitioners and as well prominent scholars. The Vocational School of Health Services attributes great importance to practical learning as well as theoretical courses. All the students are provided with the opportunity to undergo practical training in a great variety of state and private institutions.

The educational activities are conducted within 17 programs, all of which aim to train qualified technicians or supportive administrative personel to work in the health sector.

The Vocational School of Health Services is committed to educate qualified and professionally competent health technicians who have self confidence, who promote collective work, who do research, learn and use technology in their Professional lives and who are respectful to human rights and ethnical values.


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