İstanbul Okan University


Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Course and Entrepreneurial Spirit

The “Entrepreneurship Course”, which was initiated for the first time in Turkey in 2008 at Istanbul Okan University, aims to bring out the entrepreneurial spirit of students and give them a different vision.

The 14-week, 2-credit courses, which are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters under the codes ISLT.222 and BBA.222, are compulsory for students of all faculties with 4 years of education and above.

To date, the students who have participated in the program include Asım Kocabıyık, Ahmet Nazif Zorlu, Ali Kibar, Abdulkadir Konukoğlu, Ahmet Arkan, Ayşen Zamanpur, Erol Kiresepi, Erol Üçer, Ersin Arıoğlu, Faruk Malhan, Gülden Türktan, Gülden Yılmaz, Hakkı Matraş, Hamdi Akın, Haluk Okutur, Hüseyin Özdilek, Hüsamettin Kavi, Jan Nahum, Leyla Alaton, Mehmet Büyükekşi, Murat Ersoy, Murat Kolbaşı, Murat Vargı, Mustafa Süzer, Muhtar Kent, Paul Mc Millan, Sami Kariyo, Süleyman Orakçıoğlu and Süreyya Ciliv, Bahattin Yücel, Emine Erdem, Nurten Öztürk, İbrahim Betil, Sezer Mavituncalılar, Erdal Bahçıvan, Nuri Tuna, Gönenç Gürkaynak, Mehmet Yaltır, Ali Haydar Bozkurt Müberra Eresin and many other prominent names of the business world met with Okan students in the Entrepreneurship Course and shared their experiences.

Entrepreneurship (with/without Thesis) Graduate Programs

​Program Description

Program Name: Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Program

Program Type: With-Thesis

Program Language: Turkish

Program Chair: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Kabasakal

Pre-Application Process: It is enough to fill out the Pre-Application Form to receive information about the special discounted program fee, to get detailed information and to start the registration process if you wish.

Pre-Application Form

Purpose of the Program

Although entrepreneurial enthusiasm is high in Turkey, many ventures fail in a short period of time. The main reason for failure is that the entrepreneur who comes up with a business idea does not have the necessary knowledge and skills to transform this idea into a successful business. The aim of the proposed program is to provide these knowledge and skills at the graduate level.

It is envisaged that students will be admitted to the proposed program from the following two sources:

  • Those who are currently working but want to start their own business
  • Those who have no work experience and want to join business life by starting their own business

Program Content

The program consists of 3 semesters and can be done with or without thesis.

The non-thesis program consists of a total course load of 30 credits (10 courses) and a non-credit graduation project. The thesis program consists of a total of 24 credits (8 courses) and a non-credit master's thesis.

Curriculum of the Program

  • GMBA 511 Developments in the World and Turkey
  • GMBA 513 Strategic Planning
  • GMBA 515 Management and Organization of New Business
  • GMBA 517 Seminar I
  • GMBA 522 Business Environment and Institutions in Turkey
  • GMBA 524 Financing New Business
  • GMBA 531 Marketing Strategy
  • GMBA 533 Establishment of a New Business
  • Seminar Course
  • Graduation Project / Thesis

Application Documents

  • Undergraduate Graduation Certificate (Original, notarized copy of the document or graduation certificate obtained from the E-Government system)
  • ALES exam certificate (Only for programs with thesis-EA at least 55 points)
  • Transcript; original or certified copy by the university of graduation
  • Copy of Identity Card, Notarized Copy or document obtained from E-Government
  • Military Service Status Certificate for Male Candidates
  • 1 passport size photograph
  • Residence and Criminal Record (E-Government)
  • For Graduates of Universities Abroad; The original or certified copy of the equivalency certificate from the Council of Higher Education and / or the recognition certificate issued by the Council of Higher Education.
  • To fill out the T.C. Istanbul Okan University Master's application form
  • (If you come with the originals, there is no need for notarization, we will make it as original).

Program Fees

Simply fill out the Pre-Application Form to receive information about the special discounted program fee, to get detailed information and, if you wish, to start the registration process.

Ön Başvuru Formu