Faculty of Engineering
Duration: 4 Days
Number of Participants: Maximum 25 people in a group
This program has been organized with the aim of increasing the performance of the personnel working in the Research and Development departments of Large Enterprises and SMEs by successfully applying 'R&D Management and Methods'.
Participants who successfully complete the seminar will be awarded a Certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the R&D Certificate Program.
Program Objectives (Outcomes)
- Perception of Innovation Processes in an Effective R&D Management
- Understanding R&D definition, methodologies and performance measures
- Understanding the Conditions for Successful Technology Transfer in R&D Environment
- Understanding Effective Management and Leadership within the Organization
- Introduction
- Types of Research and R&D Organizations
- Establishing an Effective and Efficient R&D Organization
- Motivation of R&D Personnel
- Leadership in R&D Structures
- Technology Transfer
- Strategic Planning in R&D Organizations
- R&D Methodologies
- New Product Development Processes
- Principles of Project Management
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Marketing and sales R&D relationship
- R&D Incentives in Turkey
- International R&D Supports
- Summary and Conclusions
- Definitions (Oslo, Freskati)
- Historical Developments
- R&D Center, Technology Development Zones and related legislation
- Overview of national and international R&D funds
- Basic Research, Applied Research, Product Development
- Structural characteristics of R&D Departments
- Components of R&D Organizations
- Innovation Structures
- Structural Effectiveness
- Personal characteristics of Inventors and Innovators
- Management and Supervision of Researchers
- Establishing Appropriate R&D Teams
- R&D Center, performance criteria and audit systematics
- Models of Human Behavior
- Reward System and Its Effects
- Optimum Communication in R&D Departments
- Leader Qualities
- Mutual Interaction Processes
- What is Technological Competence
- Principles of Technology Forecasting
- Stages of Technology Transfer
- Improving Digestive Capacity
- The Role of Customer Demand
- Post-Transfer Innovation
- Innovation Management Principles
- Problem solving techniques
- Experiment Design
- Cost Reduction Techniques