İstanbul Okan University

Entrepreneurship Center


Areas of Activity of the Center:

The Center carries out the following activities in line with its objectives:

For Academics and Students/Graduates,

  • To carry out training activities, prepare and carry out programs to train entrepreneurs, to provide coaching and mentoring support to academicians and students with business ideas within the scope of their ideas.
  • Istanbul Okan University ARPROGED is the official Implementing Organization and Implementing Organization Partner within the framework of TÜBİTAK 1812 - Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program (BIGG Investment) and has been supporting entrepreneurs within the scope of TÜBİTAK BIGG program since 2020.

Istanbul Okan University Application Link: It will be activated within the scope of the call. Announcement will be made.

What is the “BIGG Acceleration Program”: It is an investment program by TÜBİTAK that aims to support the activities of Individual Young Entrepreneurs from the idea stage to the market in order to transform their technology and innovation-oriented business ideas into products and services with high commercial value.

  • To provide training and mentoring support to academics and students with the aim of supporting fast scalable startups from the idea stage to the first sale.
  • Entrepreneurship Trainings
  • Business & Sales Development Support
  • Prototyping Workshop
  • MVP & Product Development
  • Entrepreneur Network
  • Incubation and Infrastructure Support
  • Financial Consultancy
  • Intellectual Property
  • Investor Meetings
  • Within the scope of entrepreneur supports, infrastructure supports

Pre-Incubation: An introductory program for startups at the Idea Stage, aimed at finding product-market fit

Incubation: Incubation services designed for startups with MVP & Prototype that want to grow fast.

Accelerator: Acceleration programs for growth-stage startups with customers and users.

  • “Within the scope of KOSGEB supports, in cooperation with KOSGEB, to organize Applied Entrepreneurship Training for students and lecturers who have a company / partnership in the company, to prepare business plans and feasibility.
  • To organize events and competitions to support the emergence of new initiatives and entrepreneurs through institutional collaborations, and to take part in competition juries in order to ensure the spread of entrepreneurship culture,
  • To develop academic cooperation at national and international level in order to conduct scientific studies on entrepreneurship,
  • To organize and participate in national and international conferences, workshops, seminars and similar meetings in the field of entrepreneurship,
  • To cooperate with public or private institutions and organizations (such as TUBITAK, KOSGEB, TOBB, KAGİDER) operating in the field of interest of the Center in line with the purpose of the Center, to carry out joint studies, to prepare application and research projects, to seek resources for these projects and to implement and/or follow up the implementation of the projects,
  • To cooperate with international organizations working on entrepreneurship, to organize joint activities, to prepare projects, to find resources for these projects, to implement and follow up the implementation of the projects,
  • Compiling, publishing and disseminating success stories and case studies,
  • To cooperate with academicians working on entrepreneurship at national and international level and to contribute to the training of academicians.