Level | Registeration Fee (Euros) |
YCT 1st Degree | 25 Euros |
YCT 2nd Degree | 30 Euros |
YCT 3rd Degree | 35 Euros |
YCT 4th Degree | 40 Euros |
YCT Oral Primary | 30 Euros |
YCT Oral Intermediate | 30 Euros |
THE CURRENCY IS IN EUROS. No other currency or payment method is accepted.
Account Information:
Türkiye İş Bankası
Tuzla Ticari/ İstanbul Şubesi
IBAN: TR 50 0006 4000 0021 4760 0076 45
Name, Surname, Passport/ID No and desired level must be written on the receipt.
To apply, please send your application form, a photo and receipt to hsk@okan.edu.tr