Russian Courses


OKAN TOMER Russian courses are taught at three basic levels according to the criteria set by CEF (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

At the beginning of the course, students are placed in the appropriate group of Basic (A1, A2), Medium (B1, B2), High (C1) levels as a result of placement test. The training, supported by audio and visual technical equipment (VCD-DVD, computer, projection, classroom software and internet), and various supplementary materials, is given by lecturers and instructors in the academic staff of Istanbul Okan University. Courses have a 2/3 attendance requirement.

The placement test will be applied as predominantly reading comprehension and grammar and the candidate will then be subject to a short oral test.

Our language training, which consists of a total of 10 courses, is completed in 20 months for regular courses and 10 months for intensive courses. Successful trainees are awarded certificates. In addition, applicants who wish to attend may take the Russian International Language Examination (TORFL) exam, which will be held jointly with the Moscow Pushkin Language Institute at the end of the program.