
Attention to Our Students Who Apply for Excuse Exam Right

02 May 2024


  • Submits all documents related to his/her excuse to the Faculty/Vocational School/Conservatory Secretariat.
  • Make-up exams are not allowed in summer school.
  • The exams of students who take the exam on excused days will be considered invalid.
  • There are no excuses for the make-up exam. There is no make-up for the make-up exam.

Related regulation article: Istanbul Okan University Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education-Teachingand Examination Regulations
Md. The 33/6 resit exam is not excused. There is no make-up for the make-up exam.
Md. 33/7 The exams of the students who take the exam on the days they are excused are considered invalid.
Md. 34/4 Health-related excuses; All of the rest reports below regarding the health problems of the students, as well as the documents related to the accident, the death of their relatives and similar reasons, are accepted by the board of directors of the relevant academic unit, by evaluating whether they are arranged according to administrative procedures. (a) Approved reports received from University and Ministry of Health hospitals and Foundation Universities hospitals with public legal personality, (b) Reports received from private health institutions for psychiatric diseases, in case of hesitation, Faculty of Medicine / Faculty of Dentistry of the University hospitals act as referee institutions.
(5) (Added:OG21/02/2024-32467) Students who cannot take the exam due to any of the excuses in the fourth paragraph can apply for an excuse exam to the relevant deanery/school directorate with the excuse reasons within seven working days from the exam date at the latest. The ongoing evaluation of the excuse is decided by the board of directors of the relevant faculty deanery/directorate.