
Joint Statement by the Turkish Council of Higher Education and All Universities

19 October 2023

We, the Turkish academic community, strongly condemn the inhumane attacks of Israel against the Palestinian people, which have been increasing recently. In this context, the attacks on the El-Ehli Arab Hospital in Gaza on October 17, 2023, which killed and injured hundreds of Palestinian civilians, including infants, children, and women, are a clear violation of international law and humanitarian law. We call for an immediate end to all attacks and acts of violence.

We extend our deepest condolences to all our Palestinian brothers and sisters who lost their lives in these attacks. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured. We share the pain of the Palestinian people.

A humanitarian tragedy is unfolding in Gaza. There is a clear violation of international law and humanitarian law principles. We call for an immediate end to all attacks and acts of violence.

We support the diplomatic initiatives being taken by Turkey, based on a two-state vision, to establish a lasting peace in the region. In this context, we declare our readiness to fulfill all responsibilities that fall to us as the academic community.

The statement condemns Israel's recent attacks on the Palestinian people, including the attack on the El-Ehli Arab Hospital in Gaza, which killed and injured hundreds of civilians. The statement also calls for an end to all attacks and acts of violence in the region.

The statement also expresses support for Turkey's diplomatic efforts to achieve a lasting peace in the region based on a two-state vision.